Sunday, July 10, 2011


Everyone's got their own deal. Feminist. Gay. Vegan. Muslim. Everyone's got something they stand for. Everyone's got a personal flag, and they wave it proudly. It's been brought to my attention that there are some people who are afraid to wave their personal flag. They feel like they should hide it in a dark closet, and be embarrassed. Well, I'm here to tell you, wave your flag. Wave it high, and wave it often. Be proud of who you are. Don't stand for people putting you down or putting you in a box, hiding you away from everyone else. Pride is not just for patriots, and it's not just for Rainbow Flag wavers, either. Pride is everywhere you go. That girl in your class that wears her WWJD bracelet is waving her Christian Pride flag. That guy you know across the street who insists on riding his bike to lower fuel emissions is waving his Green Pride flag. Recognize Pride, and celebrate it. Celebrate others and, most importantly, celebrate yourself.

I have a lot of flags I like to fly. I'm a Christian, and I love Jesus. I'm a girl, who is not afraid to own my uterus. I'm a LGBTQ Ally, and I will stand up for anyone's love. Also, I'm going to be a wife, and I love my fiance and I love knowing I'm going to be married to someone. I have lots of different things to take pride in, because they all make up who I am. I think that it's so important to own that individuality, and not be afraid to say it. Who cares what other people think? If they look down on your inner beauty, they're not worth your time. Nothing about you should be something to be embarrassed about, because it's you, and there's only ever going to be one of you. There's no owner's manual to you, your individuality can't be wrong, it's what you make of yourself that's right.

I don't want to get preachy, and I certainly don't want to tell people they're wrong, but think of this blog as an outlet. If I see people's flags being hidden away, or if I hear someone's being given crap for waving their's, I'm gonna talk about it. If you hear about someone who's particularly good at waving their flag, then go ahead and let me know! I'm always up for feedback, and always up for spreading news! So sit back, and enjoy the ride. It's going to be a good one.

1 comment:

  1. Waving your personal flag... I like that. And those pesky hidden flags, I hope they are inspired to wave their with the best of us.
